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Katie Kordel
Superintendent of Schools
Superintendent's Office
(469) 742-8011
Rodricka Taylor
Coordinator for the Superintendent and Board Services
Superintendent's Office
(469) 742-8003
Anna Koenig
Executive Director of Human Resources and Communications
Superintendent's Cabinet
(469) 742-8019
Kyle Pursifull
Executive Director of District Support Services
Superintendent's Cabinet
(469) 742-8004
Laurie Tinsley
Assistant Superintendent of Curriculum & Instruction
Superintendent's Cabinet
(469) 742-8017
Thomas Willman
Chief Financial Officer
Superintendent's Cabinet
(469) 742-8010
Travis Zambiasi
Executive Director of Student Services
Superintendent's Cabinet
(469) 742-2185
Todd Dodge
Athletic Director and Head Football Coach
(469) 742-8068
Kimberly Steiner
Coordinator of Communications
(469) 742-8518
Cynthia Bronson
PK-12 Science Curriculum Coordinator
Curriculum & Instruction
(469) 742-8000
Angela Bridges
Executive Administrative Assistant to the Assistant Superintendent of Curriculum and Instruction
Curriculum & Instruction
(469) 742-2184
Kelly Cowan
PK-12 Mathematics Curriculum Coordinator
Curriculum & Instruction
(469) 742-8046
Crystal Gaddie
Instructional Program Facilitator
Curriculum & Instruction
(469) 742-8000
Mary Mullen
Director of Secondary Education and Assessment and Accountability
Curriculum & Instruction
(469) 742-8026
Tiffany Murdock
Curriculum & Instruction Administrative Assistant
Curriculum & Instruction
(469) 742-8000
Erin Perkins
Director of Elementary Education and Early Childhood
Curriculum & Instruction
(469) 742-8015
Amanda Puckett
Coordinator of Child Development Center
Early Childhood & Extended Day Programs
(469) 742-8133
Michele Riddle
7-12 Reading/Language Arts & Social Studies Coordinator
Curriculum & Instruction
(469) 742-2182
Kari Sharpe
PK-6 Reading/Language Arts & Social Studies Coordinator
Curriculum & Instruction
(469) 742-8030
Hannah O'Connor
Administrative Assistant to the Athletic Director
Facility Leasing / Rental
(469) 742-8068