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Jesus Velez
(469) 742-8000
Becky Gournay
PEIMS Coordinator
(469) 742-8005
Casey Littlefield
Director of Safety and Security
Safety & Security
(469) 742-8097
Laura Allen
Part-time Licensed Specialist in School Psychology (LSSP)
Special Education & Related Services
(469) 742-2188
Jayne Campanini
Part-time Licensed Occupational Therapist
Special Education & Related Services
(469) 742-8054
Allison Claunch
Director of Special Education
Special Education & Related Services
(469) 742-8047
Heather Fisher
Special Education Coordinator
Special Education & Related Services
(469) 742-8082
Crystal Lusk
Educational Diagnostician
Special Education & Related Services
(469) 742-8000
Persephone Mcpeters
Licensed Specialist in School Psychology (LSSP)
Special Education & Related Services
(469) 742-8000
Regina Paley
Part-time Licensed Occupational Therapist
Special Education & Related Services
(469) 742-8054
Eva Pearl
Special Education Coordinator
Special Education & Related Services
(469) 742-8039
Kyla Slaughter
Assistive Technology
Special Education & Related Services
(469) 742-8071
Jennifer Stinson
Licensed Specialist in School Psychology (LSSP)
Special Education & Related Services
(469) 742-8056
Debra Tedder
Instructional Aide
Special Education & Related Services
(469) 742-2178
Natalie Woodward
Board Certifed Behavior Analyst (BCBA)
Special Education & Related Services
(469) 742-8065
Juliana Elandary
Coordinator of Student Nutrition
Student Nutrition
(469) 742-8052
Elizabeth Ferrebee
Administrative Assistant for Student Nutrition
Student Nutrition
(469) 742-8041
Mathew Mccarty
Director of Student Nutrition
Student Nutrition
(469) 742-8014
Stephani Kranz
Director of Student Support
Student Support
(469) 742-8033
Anjie Lindblom
Social Worker
Student Support
(469) 742-2176